Code Enforcement

Providing Code Enforcement service to the Boroughs of  Chalfant, East McKeesport, Forest Hills, and Turtle Creek.


Alex Coyne –  Code Enforcement Department Manager ( East McKeesport, Forest Hills, Chalfant)
412-690-0304 – Direct Cell

Mike Pond –  Code Enforcement Inspector ( Turtle Creek, Forest Hills, Chalfant)
412-924-8366 – Direct Cell

Karl Armbruster–  Code Enforcement Inspector (  Forest Hills, Chalfant)
412-858-5115 -ext 19

Occupancy Permit Application

An Occupancy Permit is required for any transfer of ownership of property and/or tenant change per unit. A fully completed application with fee must be remitted prior to inspection. The application fee is determined by the municipality where the property is located. Anything after 30 days requires a new application and fee.


East McKeesport Borough Fees

  Occupancy Inspection Application  $75.00 / unit  **includes one reinspection within 30 days
  Sign Permit  $50.00  
  Zoning Permit  $25.00  
  Electrical Permit  $44.50  

A Sewer Lateral test is required, please follow up with the Borough for application and payment instructions. Zoning Permit Applications and fees are required for the transfer of ownership.


Chalfant Borough Fees

  Occupancy Inspection Application  $75.00 / unit  **includes one reinspection within 30 days

A Sewer Lateral test is required, please follow up with the Borough for application and payment instructions.


Turtle Creek Borough Fees

  Occupancy Inspection Application  $75.00 / unit  

Inspection is required for transfer of property ownership only. Any reinspection will require an additional $75 payment per unit.


Forest Hills Borough Fees

  Occupancy Inspection Application  $75.00 / unit  

This is required for change of tenant / tenant transfer only.

If you are unable to complete your occupancy application online (using the button above), please use the button below to access an editable version, open the form from your computer (downloads folder and/or desktop), fill out the required fields, save, and send to our team using the “Send” button within the form. You may download, fill out, and send this form directly to

Click below to prepare for your residential occupancy inspection.

Please make Checks or Money orders payable to TCVCOG, online payments and applications are accepted

Permit Information

The application is sent upon submission then reviewed for completeness, and an incomplete application will not be accepted. In the event of an out of area owner ( further than 5 miles) a property manager must be named, with a mailing address and contact information for 24-hour contact. When submitted and completed, the application will be accepted. The TCVCOG office will contact to  schedule the Occupancy Inspection. 


  • Occupany Permits are issued only to properties without violations to Borough Code.
  • If violations are noted, please correct violations and schedule a follow up inspection.
  • Life safety violations or Act 90 related violations will prevent an Occupancy Permit from being issued

Partner with TCVCOG on Code Enforcement

Towns that work with TCVCOG on code enforcement may use both the services of our officers and our database, or you may license the use of our database to complement your own code enforcement officers’ work.

From dealing with everyday eyesores to dangers to constituent wellbeing, code enforcement is integral to creating a thriving community and keeping property values up.

Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments (TCVCOG) is able to alleviate the problems that usually impact code enforcement in two significant ways: 

  • We employ certified code enforcement officers who will visit your towns to conduct on-the-ground and follow-up work to resolve violations as quickly as possible.
  • We use a custom database system that tracks and records the progress of violations and resolutions, should legal action need to be pursued.
Towns that work with TCVCOG on code enforcement may use both the services of our officers and our database, or you may license the use of our database to complement your own code enforcement officers’ work.

From dealing with everyday eyesores to dangers to constituent wellbeing, code enforcement is integral to creating a thriving community and keeping property values up.

Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments (TCVCOG) is able to alleviate the problems that usually impact code enforcement in two significant ways: 

  • We employ certified code enforcement officers who will visit your towns to conduct on-the-ground and follow-up work to resolve violations as quickly as possible.
  • We use a custom database system that tracks and records the progress of violations and resolutions, should legal action need to be pursued.

Rely on Professional Code Enforcement Experts

TCVCOG currently employs certified code enforcement officers who will collaborate with your town to resolve problems before they get out of hand. Officer responsibilities include: 

  • Surveying previously identified code violations and areas
  • Distributing notices to home and land owners, and businesses in violation
  • Following up on violation notices
  • Recording all activity per case in our database
  • Advising on enforcement matters and participating in legal resolutions as necessary
TCVCOG currently employs certified code enforcement officers who will collaborate with your town to resolve problems before they get out of hand. Officer responsibilities include: 

  • Surveying previously identified code violations and areas
  • Distributing notices to home and land owners, and businesses in violation
  • Following up on violation notices
  • Recording all activity per case in our database
  • Advising on enforcement matters and participating in legal resolutions as necessary

Build Your Case for Enforcement

We see costly legal action as the last resort in cases of code violations. When it comes to litigation, getting the attention of an already busy court is hard enough, but having inadequate supporting documentation of violations and notices make it more difficult to build a case and resolve violations in court. 

Our officers use our custom database to record every interaction and outcome to create a full story of the violation and pursuit of resolution. TCVCOG developed this tool specifically to give towns the ability to better enforce their codes and solve problems within their communities.

Clarifying the Code

This document is a product of the Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments, who found it necessary to clarify any uncertainty regarding the codes described in the 2015 IPMC Code and Commentary.

Code Enforcement for Municipalities

To build stronger, more resilient communities, we must pay attention to the greatest impact on maintaining vibrant places to live — problem properties and blight. Blight contributes to millions of dollars in lost tax revenue, not just by the nuisance properties themselves, but by decreasing property values around nuisance properties.

If you are interested in working with Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments, please contact Amanda Settelmaier at

Thank You

Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments
2700 Monroeville Blvd
Monroeville, PA 15146
PHONE: 412.858.5115
FAX: 412.858.5118